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Thursday, May 29, 2014

5/28/14 MICHIGAN TEACHERS TAKE STUDENTS TO HOUSES of WORSHIP! jill feeley jessica kiwiet

5/28/14 MICHIGAN TEACHERS TAKE STUDENTS TO HOUSES of WORSHIP! (This is good,something I've been advocating for a while now,along with chapels in the public schools, see my website at,search:,jill feeley,jessica kiwiet, ;*read more at
"...In order to make the lessons more real,
each year Jill Feeley and Jessica Kiwiet' s
social studies classes spend a day visiting
several different houses of worship in West
The idea is to promote an understanding
of the world and dispel misconceptions
and fears that come with religious naivete .
"The whole trip is about understanding...""
"Therefore, my dear brothers , stand
firm . Let nothing move you. Always give
yourselves fully to the work of the Lord ,
because you know that your labor in
the Lord is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15 :58
,posted by vk
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